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2009 OCA Summer Internship

OCA, a national organization dedicated to ensuring social justice for Asian Pacific American (APA), is now accepting applications for the 2009 Summer Internship Program.

Celebrating its 20th year, the OCA Internship Program seeks to cultivate future leadership by providing students an opportunity to be involved in the political process through a national organization. The success of the internship program has led to past interns going on to become more active on their college campus, increasing the presence of the APA community in local, state and federal governments, and become leaders in the APA community and stay engage with the APA community in their respective fields.

The OCA Summer Internship Program engages interns with numerous activities to bring to life all that Washington, DC has to offer. In addition, OCA will bring the interns to our annual national convention, the largest APA conference in the country. The convention will feature speakers, entertainment and engage the entire community on pertinent issues. Applicants are strongly encouraged to make sure they are able to attend this signature event.

Summer interns will be placed at a federal agency, non-profit, or congressional office that matches their interest and work full-time. Interns can also be placed at the OCA National Center and work first hand with one of the largest APA organizations in the country. In addition to their placement, summer interns will be highly engaged in many OCA activities and be involved with grassroots organizing.

For the summer session, the internship will last approximately ten weeks and a stipend will be provided. Internships are also available during the winter, spring and fall sessions at the OCA National Center. Applications will be reviewed by the Internship Committee and a telephone interview may be scheduled.

The completed application package should be sent in one package and should include:

  • Application form
  • Resume including extracurricular activities
  • Academic transcript (copy is fine)
  • One-page essay on your interest in participating in the
  • Two Letters of Reference
For more information on OCA's internship programs and application, you may go to OCA's website at www.ocanational.org. Applications for internships need to be postmarked or submitted online by March 15, 2009 for the summer session.

Eligible applicants for the internship program will be notified of selection as soon as sponsors and funding can be secured. A firm commitment will be required at that time to secure admission.

Please contact the OCA National Center at (202)223-5500 or dlee@ocanational.org if you have any questions.

Douglas Lee
OCA - Senior Program Manager
1322 18th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
t 202.223.5500
f 202.296.0540
c 202.536.7512
email: dlee@ocanational.org
web: www.ocanational.org



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