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1. Name
Marilla Li

2. Plans after graduation
Concrete goals include: Full-time gig doing Health Education at Charles B. Wang Community Health Center down in Chinatown; film production and outreach for THE LINE campaign (www.whereisyourline.org); submitting a short fiction piece that never seems to get done, will never get funded, and may not even see a single film festival.

Loftier, less attainable goals include: Studying for the GREs, implementing better sex and health ed programs in schools, obtaining an MPH and an MA in film, blogging (with David?), and generally continuing to spread awareness on all issues concerned with gender, sexuality, and health.

3. Favorite hang out spot(s) on campus
Zanny's, Max Soha, SIPA Lehman Library, the Columbia University Equipment Room (no one ever notices it's there until they have to go), the Well-Woman Office (119 Reid Hall), all parts of the Diana (Despite the uproar about the APAAM flyers, you should know that Barnard students--maybe not faculty and administrators--embrace it as "the Vag" too), and finally, the recesses of my questionable sanity.

4. Things you wish you knew earlier in your college career
That coalition building is one of the most difficult and necessary things to implement in a college campus; that every peer and authority deserves more credit than received; that it's your own choice to produce commitment and consistency in your work; that our identities exist in a "multiplicity"; that it's better to communicate frustration and anxiety than to feign normalcy; and that despite being validated by esteemed institutions like Barnard or Columbia, one can't ever lay claim to knowing or understanding anything.

5. If you had the power, how would you remedy the current oil 'spill'?
First, I would educate myself on what is happening over at the Gulf. Second, I would try to educate others about what is happening through different media outlets, while simultaneously spreading consciousness about the positions of power that these different outlets have (e.g. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/o/oil_spills/gulf_of_mexico_2010/). Third, I would build an archive of these different resources and critically examine the ways that the information is being transmitted. Rather than accept information as it is, readers and viewers should always be critical. Who is transmitting this information? What stake do they have in discussing the oil spill? What other countries have experienced or are currently experiencing a similar situation? Have we heard about those other incidents or not, and why? This unfolds not only the networks of power that underpin the incidents leading up to the oil spill, but also what media is doing to negotiate and mediate those networks.

6. Additional comments
You always have the power.

1. Name: David Zhou
2. Plans after graduation: Flying places, biking places, workin' on my knowledgez! Aka traveling and more school.
3. Favorite hang out spot(s) on campus: Any room in which you can see the sunset over New Jersey. Any kitchen where friends convene to cook.
4. Things you wish you knew earlier in your college career: How incredible the consent orientation training + program is, how to use student power effectively, and the glory of Beyoncé Knowles.
5. If you had the power, how would you remedy the current oil 'spill'? That's a big "if". I want to bankrupt BP, but I want a lot of things.
6. Additional comments: (1) Listen to people, critically. (2) Be open to ideas, but never take them for granted. (3) Lastly, while there is no substitute for being a kind human being, you don't have to be nice to do good. Trouble the water. One of the best pieces of advice I ever got was short, sweet and - hey - written in a student magazine: "Pick fights. Those are my two words of advice to future generations... (1) Pick (2) Fights."

Dear Readers,

It is May 12th, 3:15am. I want to take this moment to congratulate all the seniors that will be completing their undergraduate careers. I want to thank all of you for making a difference on and off campus during your time in college. No one can ever sum up the memories you all have helped us create in mere words. For this, thank you.

However, before you graduate, I hope you'll also take some time to give us some words of wisdom.

The questions are as follows:

1. Name
2. Plans after graduation
3. Favorite hang out spot(s) on campus
4. Things you wish you knew earlier in your college career
5. If you had the power, how would you remedy the current oil 'spill'?
6. Additional comments



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