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Last weekend (February 18th to 20th), I attended the 2011 ECAASU at UMass-Amherst, and while I met some wonderful new friends, the underlying messages that I took away from those two days were conflicting. As many of you might have heard, ECAASU has been taking large sponsorships from the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, CIA, and TSA. While, understandably, a conference as large as this needs this level of funding to function, the way in which the conference was ultimately carried out bothered me.

Grassroots organizations that were born out of oppression have been historically known to disregard military sponsorship in the name of ideology (citation needed but I do not have). And the history of ECAASU, as relayed by the poignant speech made by Professor Vijay Prashad, is embedded in minority empowerment and suck it to the big man attitude (citation also needed that I do not have). An organization such as this should not be accepting money from an oppressive institution such as that of the American military that ignite wars around the world. But, perhaps, as argued by many, it is time we allow military involvement, for inclusion of the brave men and women who fought so that we can have this discussion in the first place. Inclusion, as stated by the ECAASU national board, is what ECAASU strives to achieve.

Inclusion is a valid point, and I am far from wanting to exclude the participation of the Asian American brothers and sisters who serve in the military to protect the freedom and democracy that we take for granted. However, the argument here is not about the individual military personnels, but the ideological conflicts between the oppressive military and a grassroots campaign born because we were just so fed up with oppression.

I agree that the military establishes our place in our current global society. Without the military, we as Americans would not be enjoying the privileges that we so take for granted. I do not want to antagonize the brave men and women who risk their lives daily so that I can be blogging right now. I understand why such a large chunk (perhaps way too large of a chunk) of our national budget should go to the military. (Though, if I might add, the military really needs to stop throwing money away at dictators and political conflicts we have no right to partake in.) The military is as far from perfect as our society is from equality, but as things are today, I appreciate our leverage, I appreciate that we can have these conversations and discussions and accusations against our military.

However, there is a right time and right place for everything. A weekend that was suppose to be about Asian American  empowerment, fight against oppression, and the progression of the AA movement, became a recruitement camp for the Navy and Coast Guard. A ceremony that was suppose to teach young Asian Americans about how they can become leaders in their own right, how they can help to mobilize the movement, became about how as a Coast Guard, you will have amazing stories to tell your grandchildren. Perhaps that was not the intended result the ECAASU planning board had wanted, but that does not change how that weekend played out.

I want to conclude by thanking our men and women in uniform for their dedication and sacrifice. They are our heroes, no matter how we look at it. As the older sister of a teenager brother who wanted to join the Marines because he believed it was a great way of paying for college, I want to save the discussion of the relationship between the military and American minorities for a later time. For now, I am glad we are now having serious discussions about corporate/military sponsorships.


  1. Heiroku said...
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  2. Heiroku said...

    Glad to see y'all are keeping this up! I came across this stat a while ago and it seemed particularly relevant--according to the Military Rape Crisis Center, two out of three women in the military are sexually abused.


    While perhaps it would be wrong to blame the armed forces for the transgressions of individuals, the military denies any sort of abortion care to female soldiers--a damning sentence, given the high incidence of rape (and how much sexual abuse goes unreported, no less).


    The military certainly has benefits for working-class youths of color in reaching leadership roles and higher education, but these often-unspoken episodes of violence are horrifying. No doubt open dialogue with multiple parties is important, tho I definitely agree w/ you that the imbalance of power tends to shut some institutions off from criticism or critique (or so they would like to think).

    (I'm not gonna get into the CIA. Its record of complicity in toppling democratically-elected governments speaks for itself.)

    Great post! Keep up the good work.


  3. Free Hosting said...

    Nice information. It was useful. Thanks for sharing it.  

  4. 梁爵 said...

    2020.06.03酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容八大行業陸續解封,其中台中市已經有75家酒店在昨(1)我在酒店上班的日子日正式復工,不過業者不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因還是得落實防疫規定,所有工作人員都必須戴口罩、保持社交距離,違反規定者最重可處歇業處分。鞭炮聲響起,台中市酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金酒店在停業1個半月後重新開張,原本酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?用來宣傳店內的佳麗跑馬燈,改成為第一線醫護人員加油打氣,防疫依舊不能鬆懈。首日復工全面備戰,員警到場臨檢,職場須知 【酒店PT 】一個一個得接受體溫測量才能進到店內查核,確保場內所有人都有戴口罩、保持社交距離,落實實名登記制。但疫情過後,驚傳酒店女不回去了。前酒店小姐:「今天才第一天開業而已,然後大家都趕快叫小姐回去,有的人轉正業,可能沒辦法馬上離職,缺小姐一定有。」酒店公關黃先生:「如果沒有(小姐)的話我們可以再應徵啊,沒有其他薪水比酒店高的啦,所以她們也是不得不回來。」很多人想找酒店上班,卻沒有良好的管道,媽咪的部落格算是管道之一!但媽咪要請妳問一下自己確定要來酒店上班了嗎?在酒店上班,必須承受許多許多的不公平與,這表示我還不夠好,而且不誨言的,我也希望收入可以增加!) 雖說酒店上班一個星期的收入等於一個上班族一個月二至三萬的薪水,八大行業絕不是輕鬆的工作很多沒在酒店上班過的都認為酒店上班是個輕鬆的工作、薪水也很多,其實薪水是有比一般工作要來的多沒錯。這陣子酒店休業損失慘重,貼出營業公告中多了一行「應徵酒店女」。受疫情衝擊的還有計程車司機。計程車司機:「差很多啦,以前都有(一天)2、3千,現在1千不到,(這陣子都去做什麼工作?)做鐵工啊。」酒店首日復工,業者全力衝刺拚業績,疫情趨緩之際,酒店開業防疫還是得擺第一。Q:未成年為什麼不能到酒店打工? A:法務部有規定未成年不得進出酒家、特種咖啡茶室、電子遊戲場...等等違反的話最嚴重的罰責是"歇業"或"停業究竟要如何在第一天就上手酒店的工作呢?許多人都認為酒店是個複雜的環境,不過與現實社會的壓力相較,酒店上班家人、男友會知道嗎?酒店兼職懶人包,酒店應徵必須懂的事,閃酒秘訣大公開,面對奧客一次就上手,酒店工作前應該注意的幾件事,這裡沒有天花亂墜的酒店應徵,都會問說到酒店上班要不要簽約。 事實上一般都是不需要簽約。  

  5. 梁爵 said...

    2020.11.05酒店小姐的上班經驗與酒店上班技巧一般人誤以為當酒店工作公關酒量一定要很好,其實90%的客人是來應酬的(如招待廠商談生意)。並非找酒店打工小姐拼酒的,(況且酒錢也不便宜啊.酒店內販售的酒比外面貴不少)而是男生們把酒言歡時,【酒店小姐】【酒店公關】只要在旁當忠實的聽眾,當客人傾聽的對象,酒店兼差提供他們情緒出口的平台(如你在哪當兵的啊.男生最少屁2小時以上!!)而你只要打扮美美的.在旁附和就行,至於喝酒的機會 沒有想像的多 我們會教導如何閃酒(我們網站都有專文提到)或排換資深小姐來應付酒客桌,其實還是可以上酒客桌的,若以柔剋剛讓客人不灌妳酒,客人自己喝的盡興,而我們仍然可以全身而退(我們網站有專文提到)而打扮不外乎就是衣、髮、裝.我們合作的店家都有專屬化妝師和髮型師,至於服裝的問題,我們都會提供專業意見。若有治裝費的問題.我們有禮服店/便服店可以配合 省去治裝的煩惱。  


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