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I am a Muslim

A little heavy on the cheese, but awesome nonetheless...


  1. skyxie said...

    Jeez David, you are on a posting rampage tonight.  

  2. Marilla said...

    isn't david (or all of us) supposed to be studying?  

  3. Marilla said...

    "falafel is not my favorite food"

    well it's MINE!  

  4. David said...

    hahahahaaha if i didn't know you better, that wouldve been aggressive cultural appropriation.  

  5. Anonymous said...

    Um, you believe that the creator of the universe dictated his "word" to some random illiterate merchant. In the book that supposedly represents the thoughts of our magical space daddy, he commands his followers to slaughter all non-followers in over a hundred verses. Among all kinds of other nasty stuff.

    You expect me to respect you if you believe in this stuff? Sorry, you can try to play the moderate Muslim apologist all you want, but honestly, you're just being a bad Muslim by the very standards of the book you believe in. Have you read it recently? So long as you think that there's a deity who likes you and hates me, I'm not going to respect you. This is not a respectable belief, it's downright childish. Grow up and be reasonable. Thank you.  

  6. Anonymous said...

    P.S.- My last comment was--obviously, I hope--addressed to the dude in the video, not to the publisher or writers of this blog. My point is that the fact that "Muslim" isn't an identity doesn't mean we shouldn't analyze the unifying principles of this identity. If we do, we realize that it's an identity organized around the fundamental belief that they, as Muslims, personally know the thoughts of the creator of the universe. And they think that anyone who calls BS on their cult will suffer for eternity. You can try to obscure this fundamental point with all kinds of talk about interfaith dialogue etc. but "faith" is precisely the problem here. Faith =/= rational. Faith =/= good. We need less of it if we, humanity, are to survive. Please, whoever publishes this blog, rethink your commitment to including religious identity in your cause. It would be much to your credit.  

  7. David said...

    Your distaste for Islam or organized religion shouldn't somehow mean that it's ridiculous or unintelligible. The Muslim identity is certainly a lot more palpably worthy than anything... (whoa, nearly went into personal attacks.)

    Our point was to illustrate the parallels and overlaps that the Muslim identity has with Asian American identities. Furthermore, if you thought we ever had a stake in one religion or the other, instead of uniform respect towards all, I suggest you read yourself up on the relevant issues this blog deals with. Instead of spewing some completely nonsensical garbage in our comments, this (actually knowing what the hell this blog is here for) would be much to your credit.  

  8. Anonymous said...

    thanks, white man.  

  9. Anonymous said...

    Religion is ridiculous, but completely intelligible as a phenomenon. "Religious identity" does absolutely nothing but create problems. You cannot name one good thing that religion supposedly does that could not have been done without religion. Religions are not worthy of any respect. They are primitive belief systems centered around the worship of an imaginary cosmic dictator who they "believe in" not because they have reason to, but usually because they were merely raised to or because they're susceptible to superstition (in the case of conversions). If you tell me you believe something about the universe, I'm going to ask why. If you can't tell me why, but simply say that it's "faith"--as though this is a license to believe in whatever nonsense you want--I'm going to say you're full of shit. See, religion actually isn't immune from rational criticism, contrary to what you seem to think. We shouldn't respect people who perpetuate ignorant worldviews from the infancy of humanity and use them to justify hatred of nonmembers of their cult.

    I did not "spew" (ah, 'spew,' the verb one uses to imply 'hate speech,' right?) any 'nonsensical' garbage. You haven't actually told me why the 'Muslim identity' is comparable to Asian American identities. "Asian-American" identity is an identity isn't a voluntary one; it's an identity you can't really get rid of. 'Muslim identity', on the other hand, just comes down to the fact that the Muslim thinks he's going to heaven, and the rest of us are burning for eternity. Can you tell me why I should respect someone who thinks this, and why this sort of behavior and worldview constitute an "identity" that you can compare to "Asian-American" identity, which is based on ancestry and citizenship?  

  10. Anonymous said...

    "Anonymous asian said...

    thanks, white man."

    Good to see we have racists on this blog.  


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